When you fart, do you ever stop to consider why it stinks so badly? Or maybe I should ask you why you fart so often. Well, farting is a normal part of life that helps your body get rid of gas that might otherwise build up and make you feel unwell. It's possible that some are loud and stinky, while others are silent and "deadly." Don't worry too much if your farts make you feel bad because of how often they happen or how they smell. In today's video, we'll talk about some of the reasons why you might fart a lot, how to make your farts less smelly, and how to get some relief. #Farting #Fart #DocHealthy 🎥 Other Videos You Must Watch: THIS Happens When You Use Castor Oil Before Bed - https://youtu.be/8a1ANE7nqrU ⌛Timestamps: ⏱️ Intro - 0:00 ⏱️You Should Change Your Diet - 00:48 ⏱️ 2. Sensitivity To Certain Foods - 02:28 ⏱️ 3. Constipation - 03:33 ⏱️ 4. Medicines - 04:37 ⏱️ 5. Gut's Microbiome - 05:19 ⏱️ 6. Beans - 06:28 ⏱️ 7. Sugars - 07:18 ⏱️ 8. Colon Cancer - 09:00 ⏱️ 9. Irritable Bowel Syndrome - 09:51 ⏱️ 10. Illness Or Diseases - 10:33 🎵 Music: YouTube Audio Library ✍️ Summary: You Should Change Your Diet. Excess gas produced during digestion is a natural and completely safe byproduct. You probably just swallowed some air along with your food. Most people pass gas between 14 and 25 times daily. Also, most gas does not have an odor, despite common belief. On rare occasions, however, they may emerge reeking. Diet and eating habits are the most common causes of gassy farts. Eating quickly increases the likelihood that you may swallow some air along with your food, which in turn may stimulate gas production in the digestive system. Number 2. Sensitivity To Certain Foods. The inability of the digestive system to process particular meals is the root cause of food intolerances. Most people have trouble digesting lactose, the sugar in milk and other dairy products, since their bodies don't make enough of the enzyme needed to do so. Undigested lactose ferments in the colon, producing gases that exacerbate farts and bloating. Other food intolerances, such as those to gluten, too much fat, or lipids, can also cause gas. Lactose intolerance happens when lactose goes from the small intestine to the colon without being broken down. In the colon, billions of bacteria ferment lactose into lactic acid. Number 4. Medicines. Yes, you heard that correctly; several medications and dietary supplements can slow down the digestion process, causing you to fart. Sugar alcohols and other fillers used in some drugs can be unpleasant for some people. Over the counter pain relievers, antacids, diarrhea medications, fiber supplements, narcotic pain relievers, and antidepressants can all contribute to unpleasant gas output. If you suspect that a medicine is to blame for your gas problems, you may need to adjust your dosage or stop taking the drug altogether. Number 5. Gut's Microbiome. There are millions of microorganisms populating your gut microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome has beneficial effects on our metabolism and physiology in both health and illness. Excessive and unpleasant farts are symptoms of a bacterial imbalance in the microbiome. Hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur-containing compounds are made by bacteria in the gut when food is digested. These compounds contribute to the smell of gas. What you consume can have an effect on your bowel movements by changing the composition of the bacteria in your gut. Some people's internal flora causes them to expel more pungent gases than others. Number 6. Beans! More food means more gas. A rich supply of protein, antioxidants, and essential minerals. Unfortunately, they are well feared for their ability to induce farts. Raffinose family oligosaccharides can be found in beans. This class of sugars (R.F.O) is responsible for the gas and bloating that may follow a meal heavy in beans. This is due to the absence of a certain enzyme needed for their digestion and breakdown by the body. For more information, please watch the video until the very end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Doc Healthy's videos and channel are not meant to replace professional medical advice or treatment, but rather to serve as a resource for anyone interested in health and wellness. If you are experiencing any sort of health problem, you should contact a doctor immediately.